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Rev'd Peter Brown

Superintendent Minister

07355 211520

Circuit Leadership Team


Paul Warren

Circuit Steward

01363 85105


Roger Rottenbury

Circuit Steward


Rev Stuart Mackay

Circuit Steward

Church Youth Workers

Chris Boyles_edited_edited_edited.jpg

Chris Boyles

Children, Youth & Families Worker

07711 123542

Chris Boyles is our Children, Youth and Families Worker, who works primarily with the Emmanuel, Hele Lane and Witheridge Churches and communities. 

Mark Williams

Children and Youth Worker

01363 85451 or  07494 509299

Mark has been employed by Copplestone since 2020. He works with the children and youth in the community and church as well as supporting the work across the Circuit.

Nathan Redstone

Assitant Children and Youth Worker

07821 297189

Nathan has been employed by Copplestone (part-time) since 2023. He works with the children and youth in the community and church as well as supporting the work across the Circuit.

Safeguarding and Other Circuit Staff


Megan Heath

Circuit Administrator and Circuit Safeguarding Officer

01363 877823

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